I'm here to help so please don’t hesitate to contact my office if you have any State Government issues I can assist you with.

I'm a straightforward person and I want to get on with the things that matter.
Like skills training to prepare people for the job they want, locally available health care, excellent schools, good roads and public transport, and help with the cost of living.
I know these things are important because they have all made a big difference in my life. I’ve lived in regional Victoria for most of my life, choosing to raise my family here. I am a proud single mum of two amazing young men, my sons Sam and Alex.
I’ve worked in media, been a farmer and a stay-at-home Mum. I have worked at Ballarat Community Health and witnessed every day the challenges faced by our community and the wonderful people who are dedicated to empowering others to take control of their lives.
I was honoured to be elected the State Member for Buninyong in 2018, and to be re-elected as the State Member for Eureka in November 2022. Each day, I work to make a difference for local people; taking up issues for local sports clubs and community organisations and helping people who are struggling to get the assistance they need.